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Malta Strengthens Efforts Against Human Trafficking

Last changed: July 26 2024 12:06 by PCLMedia
The Foundation for Social Welfare Services' Aġenzija Appoġġ is intensifying its commitment to combating human trafficking with a comprehensive and holistic approach that prioritizes the well-being and support of affected individuals, according to a statement from the Ministry for Social Policy and Children's Rights on Thursday.
In observance of the International Day Against Human Trafficking, the Foundation for Social Welfare Services organized a conference titled "Preventing Human Trafficking: Stopping the Abuse Before It Starts." This event gathered numerous stakeholders to discuss effective strategies to assist victims and prevent trafficking.
Currently, seventeen individuals are receiving assistance through Aġenzija Appoġġ. The agency conducts sessions for both professionals and victims, aiming to increase awareness, create a safer environment, and prevent future cases of human trafficking. Aġenzija Appoġġ also operates a dedicated residence for victims, offering a safe and supportive space where they can access essential services, receive guidance, and begin the process of emotional and physical recovery. In the past year, the residence has accommodated eleven residents of various nationalities.
Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon emphasized the government's commitment to enhancing knowledge about the warning signs of human trafficking through improved communication among professionals. He stressed that the primary focus remains on providing long-term support to individuals at risk. "We are dedicated to creating a robust support system that ensures the safety and rehabilitation of victims," Falzon stated.
Parliamentary Secretary for Equality and Reforms Rebecca Buttigieg announced that Malta is preparing to introduce its first national strategy aimed at combating human trafficking. "A great deal of preparatory work has been completed over the past three years," she noted, "with the assistance of experts from the Council of Europe." Buttigieg highlighted that the Directorate of Human Rights is spearheading an awareness campaign to educate the public about the various forms of human trafficking and to emphasize the importance of public cooperation in fighting this organized crime.
Additional Information
Malta has been recognized for its proactive measures in addressing human trafficking, including legislation and collaborative efforts with international organizations. The country has made significant strides in recent years, focusing on victim protection, prevention, and prosecution. Key components of Malta’s anti-trafficking strategy include:
- Legislative Framework: Malta has strengthened its legal framework by aligning with international standards, such as the Palermo Protocol and the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive. These legal instruments provide a basis for prosecuting traffickers and protecting victims.
- Training and Capacity Building: The government has invested in training programs for law enforcement officers, social workers, and other professionals to enhance their understanding of trafficking issues and improve their ability to identify and assist victims.
- Public Awareness Campaigns: Awareness campaigns are conducted to educate the public about human trafficking, focusing on identifying signs of trafficking and encouraging reporting to authorities.
- Collaboration with NGOs and International Bodies: Malta collaborates with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international bodies like the United Nations and the European Union to share best practices and resources in the fight against human trafficking.
- Victim Support Services: Comprehensive support services are offered to trafficking victims, including legal assistance, counseling, healthcare, and reintegration programs, ensuring a holistic approach to recovery.
Through these efforts, Malta continues to strengthen its response to human trafficking, prioritizing prevention, protection, and prosecution to create a safer and more just society.
Malta's Legal Framework for Combating Human Trafficking
Malta has implemented a comprehensive legal framework to combat human trafficking, which aligns with international standards and provides mechanisms for prevention, protection, and prosecution.
Key Legislation
1. Criminal Code of Malta
- Articles 248A–248E: These articles specifically address human trafficking and related offenses, such as trafficking for sexual exploitation, forced labor, and organ trafficking. They define trafficking as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons through force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power, or exploitation. - Penalties: The law imposes severe penalties on traffickers, including imprisonment ranging from four to twelve years, depending on the gravity of the offense and the circumstances involved.
2. White Slave Traffic (Suppression) Ordinance
- This ordinance complements the Criminal Code by addressing the trafficking of individuals for prostitution and imposing penalties for offenders involved in such activities.
3. Child Protection (Alternative Care) Act
- This act provides specific protections for children who are victims of trafficking, ensuring they receive appropriate care, support, and legal assistance.
4. Victims of Crime Act
- This legislation ensures that victims of trafficking receive necessary support, such as access to legal aid, medical care, psychological support, and social services. It emphasizes the rights of victims and their protection throughout legal proceedings.
National Action Plans and Policies
National Action Plan Against Trafficking in Persons
- Malta has developed national action plans to guide its anti-trafficking efforts. These plans outline strategies and actions to prevent trafficking, protect victims, prosecute offenders, and promote partnerships with relevant stakeholders.
National Strategy on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
- This forthcoming strategy aims to establish comprehensive measures to prevent trafficking, enhance victim protection, and improve cooperation among law enforcement, social services, and international partners. It emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to tackling human trafficking.
International Conventions and Agreements
Malta is a party to several international conventions and agreements that reinforce its commitment to combating human trafficking:
1. United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and its Protocols
- Palermo Protocol (Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children): Malta ratified this protocol, which establishes international standards for preventing and combating trafficking and protecting and assisting victims.
2. Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings
- Malta is a signatory to this convention, which aims to prevent trafficking, protect victims, and prosecute traffickers while promoting international cooperation and coordination.
3. European Union Anti-Trafficking Directive (Directive 2011/36/EU)
- Malta has transposed this directive into its national law, enhancing the prevention and combating of human trafficking across the EU and ensuring the rights of victims are protected.
Implementation and Enforcement
Dedicated Units and Task Forces
- Malta has established specialized units within law enforcement agencies, such as the Police Vice Squad, to investigate and prosecute human trafficking cases effectively.
Training and Capacity Building
- Ongoing training programs are conducted for police officers, border control agents, social workers, and other relevant professionals to improve their ability to identify and assist trafficking victims.
Collaboration with NGOs and International Organizations
- The Maltese government works closely with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations, and other countries to enhance cooperation and share best practices in combating human trafficking.
Through its robust legal framework and collaborative efforts, Malta continues to strengthen its fight against human trafficking, prioritizing the protection of victims and the prosecution of offenders while working towards the eradication of this grave crime.

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